34 Zohar Tal St. Herzeliya Pituach (Tiran Square)

Our Team

SQUARE34 – Team Of Real Estate Agents

Our Team of real estate agents are wating for your call

Iris Milstein

Iris Milstein

Iris Milstein, Founder & Owner of Square34 real-estate agency, based in Herzeliya Pituach Israel. With over 25 years of experience in the fields of Real-Estate, advocacy and marketing. Iris combines this extensive knowledge from practicing...
Organization: Square34 Real Estate Agency
Eliana Bar-Tov

Eliana Bar-Tov

Eliana is known for her extensive market knowledge and her unmatched devotion to clients. She provides quality service to build relationships with clients and more importantly, maintain those relationships by communicating effectively. She is fluent...
Organization: Square34 Real Estate Agency