The best real estate agent or broker for you is an experienced professional who listens, conducts herself ethically, and knows your market. That person doesn’t necessarily work at the largest brokerage, close the most transactions, or make the most money. Real estate professionals have a saying: “Twenty percent of the agents do 80 percent of the business.” So, how can you go about finding one of that 20 percent to work for you?

01 Search Online for Agent Listings

Plenty of websites can refer agents to you, but that is no assurance of quality. Often, the agents they refer are simply those who have paid the site owners a fee to be listed in their directory. A better bet is to research the top real estate companies in your area, go to those websites, and look up profiles of individual agents at offices near you. Look for details of their experience, but don’t necessarily rule out newbies, who might have more time to spend with you. Be sure to look for client reviews or comments.

02 Track Neighborhood Signs

Pay attention to the listing signs in your neighborhood. Make a note of the day they go up and when they disappear (or a “sold” banner is slapped on it). The agent who sells listings the fastest might be better for you than the agent with the largest number of “for sale” signs. Results speak volumes.

03 Ask the Pros for Recommendations

Of course, you’ve thought of finding an agent by asking friends and family. But think about asking other real estate agents for referrals, too. Agents are happy to refer buyers and sellers to associates, especially if the service you need is not a specialty of theirs or within their purview: Some agents sell only commercial or investment property, for example, while others work exclusively with new home builders.
